Another meeting with citizens in Dashkasan city
On December 28, the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of AzerGold CJSC held a meeting with citizens in Dashkasan city to discuss the achievements of the year.
The meeting was attended by Orkhan Abbasov, Head of the Dashkasan Region Executive Power, Khayyam Farzaliyev, Member of the Executive Board – Deputy Chairman of AzerGold CJSC, Chairman of the CSR Committee of the AzerGold, and Ilgar Jalilov, Member of the Executive Board – Deputy Chairman of AzerGold CJSC, Chairman of the CSR Committee of Dashkasan Demir Filiz (Iron Ore) LLC.
The residents of Dashkasan city, Gushchu, Chovdar and other villages of Dashkasan region participated at the meeting, which was started with commemoration of the passengers who have lost their lives in Azerbaijan Airlines plane crash.
The meeting provided information on social and environmental projects realized in 2024 and projects planned for 2025 within the partnership between AzerGold CJSC, Dashkasan Demir Filiz (Iron Ore) LLC and Dashkasan Region Executive Power.
The meeting highlighted some of the successful projects of 2024, including Support for the Development of Potato Growing in Dashkasan, protection and reintroduction of rare and endangered plants listed in the Red Book, Temiz (translated as clean) Dashkasan project, Book Stand, Xazina (translated as treasure) museum exposition, etc. Seven social campaigns have been organized in the region to contribute to the state policy in improving social welfare. The participants of the meeting were informed about the future projects in the upcoming 2025, in the fields of education, health, inclusive development, agricultural development, environmental, infrastructural and other projects.
The meeting was followed by the appeals of the participant citizens and new initiatives were discussed. Notes were taken about the discussed issues to be considered in accordance with the relevant legislation.
At the end of the event, holiday gifts were presented to the participants on the occasion of December 31 – World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day and New Year.